U.S. Specialist Programs

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Fulbright Specialist Program

The Fulbright Specialist Program was established in 2001 when the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) sought to expand the scope and reach of the original Fulbright program in the twenty-first century. The Fulbright Specialist Program provides U.S. scholars and professionals with short-term grants of two to six weeks.

The program’s primary goals are to advance mutual understanding, establish long-term cooperation, and create opportunities for institutional linkages. The U.S.-based World Learning Organization maintains a roster of specialist candidates in a variety of fields and matches candidates when potential host institutions in Korea request a particular scholar or specific field through the Korea-American Educational Commission.

Fulbright Specialist Program fellows carry out collaborative projects requested by Korean host institutions. Projects are education-focused with goals of sharing research, building capacity, and establishing partnerships benefitting institutions and communities in the U.S. and overseas. Fulbright Specialist Program alumni return to the U.S. able to contribute their newly gained knowledge and intercultural competencies to their home institution or organization.

Interested Fulbright Specialist Program applicants should apply at World Learning. https://worldlearning-community.force.com/FSPHost/

Questions about the program should be directed to Fulbrightspecialist@worldlearning.org

Institutions interested in inviting scholars and experts should contact grant@fulbright.or.kr

KAEC selects eligible institutions upon the recommendation of the program review committee, and submits all results to the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board, who approves the award of the Fulbright Scholarship.

Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program

The Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Program is a fellowship program funded by the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA). Fellows are selected by the International Research and Exchange Board (IREX), and the program is operated by the Korean-American Educational Commission. The program sends U.S. K-12 teachers to Korea for two to six weeks.

During their time in Korea, fellows conduct independent studies while attending and conducting professional development seminars focused on sharing international best practices and developing students’ global competence. The fellows provide advice, special lectures, conduct research, hold education camps, and engage in exchange activities at their host institution. Alumni return to the U.S. with new knowledge regarding international education, connections to Korean communities, and new intercultural competencies that they can bring to their classrooms and communities.

Interested Fulbright DAI applicants can apply at the IREX website.

Fulbright Global Scholar Program

The Fulbright Global Scholar Program is a multi-country, trans-regional grant program that supports academics and professionals in the completion of research, teaching/research, or professional projects. Funded by the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA), Global Scholar grants are for three to six months, with a minimum of one month spent in each host country during each project visit. Project visits to host countries can be arranged flexibly over the course of one to two years.

In keeping with the “global” nature of the program, grant projects must be undertaken across two or three host countries located in at least two different world regions. Outside of conducting their grant projects, Global Scholars become involved in their host country communities through public lectures, student mentoring, etc., in accordance with the program’s goal of enhancing relationships between citizens of the United States and of other countries. In return, Global Scholars enhance their worldviews while gaining and contributing valuable knowledge in their respective fields through international collaboration.

Questions about the Fulbright Global Scholar Program can be directed to GlobalAward@iie.org

Interested Fulbright Global Scholar applicants can apply at the website for the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)


Celebrating 75 Years of Fulbright Korea

1950 – 2025