by College Board, January 2, 2024
AP® Daily videos are short, searchable videos led by experienced AP teachers. They cover all the content and skills that you’re learning in class and that will be assessed on the AP Exam.
AP Daily: Practice Sessions and AP Daily: Live Review are resources that can help you prepare for your exams:
- AP Daily: Practice Sessions are 15-minute videos that give you a chance to practice answering free-response and multiple-choice questions on AP Exams. A brand new set of sessions will be released on April 22, 2024, for most courses. Although the 2024 practice sessions aren’t available for AP Seminar, AP Research, AP Art and Design, and AP world languages, other videos on the Review page under Course Resources in AP Classroom are excellent preparation resources for these courses.
- AP Daily: Live Review is a series of live recordings from previous school years that cover course content and skills on AP Exams. Both AP Daily: Practice Sessions and AP Daily: Live Review videos are posted on YouTube and in AP Classroom and can be watched at any time before the AP Exams.