What Is CLEP?

The College-Level Examination Program® (CLEP®) is a rigorous College Board program that allows students of a wide range of ages to demonstrate their mastery of college-level material in introductory subjects and earn college credit. CLEP offers examinations that represent courses typical of the first two years of college study. Through CLEP examinations, students can:

  • accumulate credit toward a degree by demonstrating knowledge they have gained independently, allowing them to begin studies at a higher level and save valuable time and money;
  • demonstrate their knowledge in subject areas in order to earn exemption from introductory courses, enabling them to move ahead to more advanced courses and new fields; and
  • show their level of competency in subjects in order to determine placement, particularly for world language and mathematics courses.

From an initial offering of 10 examinations in 1967, CLEP has evolved into a battery of 34 examinations. CLEP provides a reliable and effective means for participating colleges and universities to grant credit, exemption, and placement to traditional 18-to-22-year-old students, recent high school graduates, adults returning to college, and part-time students. Over 2,900 accredited institutions of higher education award credit for satisfactory scores on CLEP examinations.

Structure of the CLEP Examinations

Most internet-based CLEP examinations are approximately 90-minutes in length; the College Composition exam is approximately 120 minutes. The exams aren’t adaptive. They are continually updated by embedding pretest questions within each exam administered to students; however, these questions aren’t scored. This embedded pretesting helps to increase the number of test “forms” or variations available for each examination.

The internet-based delivery system allows for a creative and cost-effective means of preparing multiple test “forms” for administration to multiple candidates. Each exam is created by combining individual questions and/or sets of questions that meet content and statistical specifications (e.g., varying difficulty of questions).

The computer administers different test forms to candidates taking examinations in the same subject by choosing from a selection of question subsets. Candidates taking the same exam at your institution who are seated next to each other most likely will have different versions of the exam. In addition, the system automatically assigns workstations randomly.

* Online calculators are available for these exams. Candidates aren’t permitted to use their own calculators.

Register for CLEP

Step 1. Register for CLEP Exams

Register for one or more exams and purchase study materials.

  • Center Number: 8212

Step 2. Test Center Scheduling

Please submit the following form to schedule your exam.

  • An examinee may register for up to 3 exams per day.
  • The exam date and time may be changed depending on the unexpected circumstances of the test center.
  • Please remit the test center administration fee 7 days prior to the exam date to confirm your registration. Bank information will be sent to your email when you submit the form.
  • Refunds for cancellation and no-show are not available. If an examinee wants to change the exam date for any reason other than a test center problem, an additional fee of 20,000 KRW (per exam) must be paid. Please choose your exam date carefully.
  • Please ensure you have ordered the CLEP exam before registering for your center. (See Step 1 above)
    The test center administration fee and the CLEP exam order fee must also be paid separately.
수험생 한글이름 혹은 시험 비용을 납부할 입금자명 입력
If you don't have a Korean name, leave this field blank.
Registration Deadline: 7 days before the exam date
Please select the number of exams you wish to take on the chosen exam date.
개인정보 처리방침: 링크를 참고해 주십시오.

취소, 환불, No-show 규정
- CLEP 시험 센터 사용료 납부 기한은 시험일 일 주일 전이며, 사용료를 납부하신 이후 시험 취소 및 No-show로 인한 환불은 불가능합니다.
- 시험 센터의 문제를 제외한 어떤 이유로든 응시일을 변경할 경우 시험 3일 전(업무일 기준)까지 요청해야 하며, 추가 비용 20,000원(시험당)을 납부해야 합니다.
- CLEP 시험을 반복적으로 취소하거나 일정을 변경하는 응시자는 시험 센터 사용료를 추가 지불하도록 요청받거나 향후 한미교육위원단에서의 CLEP 시험 응시가 불가능할 수 있습니다.

재응시 규정
- 응시자는 시험 날짜로부터 3개월 이내에 동일한 과목의 CLEP 시험에 재응시할 수 없습니다.
- CLEP 프로그램은 어떠한 경우에도 최초 시험 후 3개월 이내에 응시한 동일 과목의 시험 점수를 공개하지 않습니다.
- 응시자가 3개월 내에 시험을 재응시할 경우 해당 시험은 무효로 간주되고 점수가 취소되며 시험 관련 비용은 환불되지 않습니다.

Privacy Policy: Please refer to the link.

Cancellation, Refund and No-Show Policy
- The deadline for payment of the CLEP test center administration fee is one week before the scheduled exam date, and refunds for cancellation and no-show are not available after payment has been made.
- If a candidate wants to change the exam date for any reason other than a test center problem, reschedule should be made within 3 working days before the scheduled exam date and an additional fee of 20,000 KRW (per exam) will be charged.
- A candidate who cancels or reschedules CLEP exams repeatedly may be asked to pay additional administration fees or may be barred from taking CLEP exams at KAEC.

Retesting Policy
- A candidate may not retake an exam of the same title within three months of the test date.
- The CLEP program won't release scores for an examination of the same title taken within the 3-month period after the initial administration under any circumstance.
- If a candidate retakes the examination within the 3-month period, the administration will be considered invalid, the score will be canceled, and fees will be forfeited.


  • Email:
  • Tel: +82-2-3275-4000, Press 2

CLEP is for Everyone

Exam Day

Candidates must arrive at the test center 20 minutes before the exam starts.

Please be prepared to bring the following to the test center:

  1. A valid registration ticket from the My Account registration portal.
  2. Identification: A government-issued physical identification (e.g. passport, driver’s license, etc.) that includes your legal full name in English characters, photograph, and signature. You will be asked to show this identification to be admitted to the testing area. The name on your ID must match the name on your registration ticket.


  • Before you leave the test center, you’ll receive an unofficial score report right after taking the test (except College Composition and Spanish with Writing exam). Official scores are available online one business day following your exam. You can view your scores online by logging into the CLEP My Account portal.
  • College Composition and Spanish with Writing exam scores are available 2–3 weeks after test day.
  • Please use the College Board CLEP Contact Form for any inquiries regarding scores.

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