한미교육위원단의 AP 시험 등록 과정에 대한 설명 영상을 업데이트했습니다. AP 시험 등록 전후에 중요하게 챙겨야 할 사항들을 알려드립니다.
Author: Testing (Haerin Hwang)
28 AP Exams Go Digital in May 2025
For the May 2025 AP Exam administration, the exams for some AP subjects will be delivered as in-school digital exam using Bluebook application.
(영상) 한미교육위원단 시험센터 미리 체험하기
한미교육위원단에서 제작한 시험센터 투어 유튜브 영상을 공개합니다! 시험장 내부 모습과 입실 과정을 영상으로 만나보실 수 있습니다.
Popular AP Courses by Grade
Select an AP course that’s right for you. Visit the course pages to review any recommended prerequisites, which are other courses you should consider taking before registering for a specific AP course.
Earn College Credit with CLEP and Modern States
CLEP students can prepare using Modern States' free online CLEP courses. Enroll in a free course, complete all coursework, and get a CLEP Voucher from the Modern States website.
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a College Major (College Board)
Choosing a college major can be hard. Whether you’re already in college or you’ve just started applying, here are some tips to finding the major that’s right for you.
New AP Precalculus Course Starting from the 2024 AP Exam
Starting from the 2024 AP exam, AP Precalculus will be adopted.