2018-2019 Fulbright Forum Series

The Fulbright Forums serve as periodic gatherings for the Fulbright family at large, including past and present grantees and friends of the Korean-American Educational Commission (KAEC).

Forums highlight the research and work of Fulbright grantees and offer the public a glimpse at current issues in Korean Studies and Korea-U.S. relations.

While a Forum may not be representative of the direction of the presenting grantee’s future research or career path, it gives them an opportunity to share with the community a small part of their work in the context of their experience in Korea.

The anticipated dates and presentation topics of each Forum in the 2018-2019 Series are as follows:

October 26, 2018 Chelle Jones LesBiTrans Stepwise Migration and Socioeconomic Mobility in South Korea
November 16, 2018 Kaomi Goetz Adapted: Korean Adoptees Living in Korea and Beyond
December 14, 2018 Tenzin Dawa Thargay Interconnectedness: An Interdisciplinary Investigation of South Korean Energy Politics
January 25, 2019 Daniel R. Isbell What’s so hard about Korean pronunciation?
February 22, 2019 Hyemin Na Branding the Sacred: Megachurch Media Practices in Global Korea
March 22, 2019 Victoria Vardanega Continuities and Ruptures: Press, Government, and Society in Modern Korea
April 26, 2019 Margarethe McDonald Accented vs native exposure in Korean children’s English abilities
May 17, 2019 Andrew Ippoliti Conversations with Here and Not Here
June 14, 2019 Charlotte Fitzek Candlelight Revolution